SFBJ doll

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Bellevue, WA USA
Description from user:

22" SFBJ Doll from Paris. "Claret" 247

Gift from friend

Answered within 2 days
By Sabrina Vinther
Apr 15, 18:46 UTC
Fair Market Value
$75 - $125 USD
Insurance Value $0 USD
What does this mean?

Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.

It is a lovely vintage doll. The doll is a handcrafted replica doll. The doll was moulded after the antique French SFBJ dolls that were made in the late 1800s and early 1900s. These dolls were very popular and are today very expensive when in good condition. However replica dolls rarely have value beyond their purchase price even when kept in excellent shape and even when they were made in limited numbers. I believe the doll was produced in the late 1900s when this kind of replica doll was fashionable to produce.
The market value for such dolls has declined in the past few years.
The estimate provided is for a well-advertised specialised online toys auction, where I believe the doll has the best chance of realising its fullest potential. However, there is no measurement for the sentimental value you might attach to the replica SFBJ doll. Retail "asking prices" can be higher and vary.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I’m happy to help.
Thank you

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