Milo Baughman sectional sofa

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20th Century Design
San Diego, CA USA
Description from user:

A Thayer Coggin/Milo Baughman 4 piece sectional sofa. This has been in the family since the 1980s, was given to my mother-in-law by a family friend upon redecorating. This used to be a 5 piece sectional with a chaise section but that piece was given to someone else and separated from our pieces. The original color of the sectional was a dark stone bluish-gray color. We had it recovered because there were stains and a cigarette burn in the original fabric. The new fabric is a 100,000 double rub tweed fabric in a gray color. This was recovered in May 2016. The cushions are original. We have used it as our primary sofa for the last 10 years or more. Dimensions: Overall: 104” x 104” approx. Piece #1: Right arm (looking at the sofa) 32” H x 32” D x 38” W Piece #2: armless 32” H x 32” D x 34” W Piece #3: corner: 32” H x 32” D x 32” W Piece #4: left arm (looking at the sofa) 60” W x 32” H x 32” D. The Thayer Coffin/Milo Baughman label is visible through the recovering fabric under each cushion on the sofa frame.

A family friend of my mother-in-law gave it to our family in the 1980s. It was likely purchased in Cincinnati, Ohio and that is where the original purchaser lived. It was originally a 5-piece sectional but a chaise lounge piece was given to someone else.

Answered within 37 minutes
By Delia
Jan 31, 21:18 UTC
Fair Market Value
$3,000 - $5,000 USD
Insurance Value $0 USD
What does this mean?

Hi Sylvia,

Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.
Based on the photos and information provided, and subject to examination, this is:

A Modern Four-Piece "L" Sectional Sofa
Milo Baughan for Thayer Coggin
Circa 1980s
In four pieces, comprising a right and left arm piece a corner piece and a center piece; in a contemporary gray 100,000 double rub tweed fabric
Dimensions: Overall: 104” x 104” approx.
Piece #1: Right arm (looking at the sofa) 32” H x 32” D x 38” W
Piece #2: armless 32” H x 32” D x 34” W
Piece #3: corner: 32” H x 32” D x 32” W
Piece #4: left arm (looking at the sofa) 60” W x 32” H x 32” D.
CONDITION: recovered; lacking 5th piece (ottoman)
PROVENANCE: acquired new
*represents a fair-market value for auction purposes; retail or asking price may vary.

Please let us know if you have additional items to appraise, and thank you again for using Mearto.

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