Eosomichelinoceras Fossil

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Natural History & Geology
2/8 Glaisher Parade, 2230 Cronulla AUS
Description from user:

From the Ordovician period. From the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Academia Sinica. Comes with a box.

Answered within 2 days
By Amber R
Dec 29, 20:43 UTC
Fair Market Value
$150 - $300 AUD
Suggested Asking Price $200 AUD
What does this mean?

Eosomichelinoceras Fossil (Baltoceratidae, Orthoconic Cephalopod Family)
Ordovician Period (461—452 million years ago)
Excavation Source: Unknown
Provenance: Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Nanjing, Academia Sinica.

A large and well preserved fossil specimen of the carnivorous Cephalopod family. The example has some areas of repair; is highly polished and carved away from the matrix. Comes with a fitted custom Chinese brocade box and provenance certificate. Measurements: 35cm length; 8cm at widest point; 7cm height. I reviewed current retail and auction values in the United States and converted the fair market values to AUD . While the price range would be standard in any national market; fossils do tend to sell at the higher rate in the EU and Australia.

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