Duck House heritage doll 1052/5000

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Description from user:

22 inch tall Vintage doll from the Roaring Twenties with ruffled black dress, trimmed with sequins and hemmed between knees and ankles, a cap hat with bead work and attached long scarf that hangs down past hem line and large silk flower on front, mink stole around arms, golden curly hair, black multiple strands of beads, and a fabric silk purse attached to wrist with cords , black pantaloons past knees underneath and black slippers on

I am the only owner- has been completely encased in a clear display for dolls on a bureau in my bedroom for probably 30 years- never been played with

Answered within 2 days
By Delia
May 31, 16:40 UTC
Fair Market Value
$30 - $50 USD
Suggested Asking Price $60 USD
What does this mean?

Hi Bobbie,

Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.
Sadly, these dolls have a very modest following in the secondary (auction market), with recent sales of individual dolls largely selling in the $30-50 range.
Based on the photos and information provided, and subject to examination, this is:

A vintage Duck House Heirloom bisque-head 'Roaring Twenties" doll
limited edition #1,052/5,000
with ruffled black dress, trimmed with sequins and hemmed between knees and ankles, a cap hat with bead work and attached long scarf that hangs down past hem line and large silk flower on front, mink stole around arms, golden curly hair, black multiple strands of beads, and a fabric silk purse attached to wrist with cords , black pantaloons past knees underneath and black slippers on
22 inches tall
CONDITION: reported to be in excellent condition
PROVENANCE: original owner
*represents a fair-market value for auction purposes; retail or asking price may vary.

Please let us know if you have additional items to appraise, and thank you again for using Mearto.

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