Disney/Selecto Snow White & Seven Dwarfs wall mural? Billboard?

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Garage / Yard Sale
Entertainment & Film Memorabilia
Description from user:

This item is in its original box. The box is cardboard, orange in color, and has “Original Walt Disney Character Design” printed in black on each of the 4 long sides. The long sides are each approximately 41” x 2.75”, making each end approximately 2.75” x 2.75” square, and one end has a round, green, label on it. The label says; SELECTO No. 310 248 cm x 172 cm 98 inch x 68 inch At the bottom in small letters it says “Made in West Germany” in both English and German. Inside are 4 rolled panels made of heavy, cloth-like paper, or possibly thin canvas. One side of each panel is blank aside from a letter, A-D, which corresponds to its location in the wall mural. The other side is vibrantly printed and has a laminate covering which is starting to detach from the image/canvas itself. One panel has a small rectangular chunk missing along the bottom edge, but other than that the mural is complete and in good shape.

Answered within 1 day
By Delia
Mar 08, 21:34 UTC
Fair Market Value
$150 - $250 USD
Suggested Asking Price $300 USD
What does this mean?

Hi Aimee,

Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.
Based on the photos and information provided, and subject to examination, this is:

A complete vintage four-piece Walt Disney "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" wall decal
made by Selecta, West Germany, circa 1970s
printed on a canvas textured vinyl fabric, in its original factory packaging
Completed mural 98 by 68 inches; box 2-3/4 by 2-3/4 by 41 inches
CONDITION: Client represents that one panel has a small rectangular chunk missing along the bottom edge, but other than that the mural is complete and in good shape.
PROVENANCE: Acquired at a garage or yard sale
*represents a fair-market value for auction purposes; retail or asking price may vary.

Please let us know if you have additional items to appraise, or questions/concerns, and thank you again for using Mearto.
~ Delia

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