6 x 9 cotton/silk Persian(?) rug

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Persian carpets
Spokane, WA USA
Description from user:

6 x 9 cotton/silk rug, multi colored with grid-like pattern and fringe. Measured amount of weaves within 1” x 1” square - 16 weaves each way


Answered within about 5 hours
By Delia
Jul 07, 22:54 UTC
Fair Market Value
$500 - $800 USD
Suggested Asking Price $800 USD
What does this mean?

Hi Hannah,

Thank you for contacting Mearto with your appraisal inquiry.
Based on the photos and information provided, and subject to examination, this is:

A vintage hand-loomed cotton and silk Persian carpet
mid/late 20th Century
In a brown/yellow/cream palette with a central field in a grid of floral and stylized motifs, foliate border and cream selvedges (fringe)
6 by 9 feet
CONDITION: appears to be in good condition; value assumes no stains, odors, tears or repairs.
*represents a fair-market value for auction purposes; retail or asking price may vary.

Please let us know if you have additional items to appraise, and thank you again for using Mearto.

Please log in to your Mearto account to contact this seller or make an offer on this item.